What am I looking for?

I was created as a thinking thing

I existed

And I lived

What do I have to do, then?

I eat to keep myself alive

And rest so I could keep doing things

But what kind of things I have to keep doing?

Maybe I do hunting for foods

Maybe I do working for goods

And aren't those for a thing called living???

I live to do things that make me stay alive

Kind of absurd…

Yeah, by the way, this is life

I learn to be a better me

I fight for a goodness

Then I'll be, what? A superhero?

What the hell with that!

Even superman can’t prevent human race from dying and suffering

And so what are we doing here, on earth?

I have been walking since the first time I walked

I keep walking by now, just to see the end of this all :

The edge of the world

But all the people I met, told me that the world is round

I don’t care

Because I have forgotten the way I came from

So I decide to keep going

Not to find something

Just to stay alive

And if you ask me what I am looking for,

I'll tell you it's living

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